Your pharmacy’s greatest accomplishment has been…
Coming together as a team to deal with Covid-19 and take the necessary steps to keep ourselves healthy and safe – not only for our sake, but for the sake of all the residents we serve. This is an unprecedented event that has drastically altered the way we operate. Our team has really stepped up to the plate to confront this virus head on.
Your pharmacy’s culture is…
Treat all of our community residents as if they were one of your loved ones. My great grandmother is in a community that we serve. Going the extra mile for our residents is easy if you treat them like family.
What do you like most about your job?
The ever-changing nature of this industry. No two days are alike. There are new challenges around every corner, and I enjoy the fast pace at which we must adapt. I am constantly learning something new.
If you really knew me, you’d know…
I am a huge Elton John fan. I have seen him in concert more than 20 different times. On one occasion, I had the unique opportunity of experiencing Elton John and Billy Joel together in concert. What an amazing show.
If you aren’t at work, you are…
Spending time with my family. My wife Meghan and I have three beautiful daughters and are currently expecting our fourth daughter any day now. I am sorely outnumbered in our household.
People would be surprised to know…
I grew up on a centennial farm. I was the sixth generation to live there. I was involved in 4-H and showed pigs every year at our county fair. We also raised other animals like cows, chickens and sheep.